(MB+MJ /\ pm-am, 11:33-1:41 /\ 5.21-5.22, 20)

Maddie Butler

An iphone with a faint image of two hands touching sitting on fabric that appears to be bed sheets.
Warning: explicit language and content. Work best experienced through headphones.

Tensing is a series of audio works that explore the parameters of digitally-mediated intimacy. It uses the immediacy of the human voice and the particular fallibility of disembodied communication to prod the spatial, temporal, and consensual boundaries of erotic fantasy. The works are created through a process of transcribing, redacting, and re-performing sexually explicit text conversations collected from the artist and her acquaintances. Each audio work is based on a single texted exchange. The two sides of a conversation are merged into a single stream of words, which is then broken back into two voices via a loose grammatical logic. Voice actors perform the resulting scripts, with the redacted half of the conversation represented as dashes. The final piece consists of the two vocal performances edited back into a single narrative stream.

MB+MJ /\ pm-am, 11:33-1:41 /\ 5.21-5.22, 20 is the first in the series. Other installments feature texters and readers of various backgrounds, genders, and sexual identities; as the series expands so too does its vocabulary of erotic association.

Voice acting by Sekoyya Little and Nastasia Marquez