Austin Larkin

Austin Larkin is a composer and violinist focusing on elements of tone within the interstices of fields, symmetries, and patterns. His violin performance and practice is informed by research into dimensions of vibrating bodies. Larkin has worked closely on this research with Eyvind Kang, Jessika Kenney and Jarrad Powell, all whose work and philosophy remain an influence. From 2017 to 2018 he lived in Yogyakarta to study karawitan, specifically how the tones dwell and unfold. Larkin has toured extensively performing solo violin, often in combination with microphone and amplification, using both as distinct instruments to draw awareness to the limits and potentials of both and the spectrum of possibilities between, using the contrast, combination, and gradation as compositional material. His compositions and installations have been featured at festivals including Corridor, Yellow Fish, UMBRAL, and Radiophrenia. He currently lives in New Haven, CT.